Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blogging in this class

How do you think blogging will contribute to your learning in this class?

I have been fascinated with blogs and blogging for years and find them a creative way for just about anyone to express themselves. They provide an outlet for people to express opinions or share experiences. I’ve had a plan to start a music blog for years but haven’t been able to get it going (largely due to being in grad school!). This class is enabling me to learn the basics about blogging and get some hands-on experience writing blog posts. This will naturally help me in the future as a librarian. Library blogs are becoming much more common in public and academic libraries. The San Francisco Public Library maintains 22 blogs systemwide. In the preservation department where I work, we have discussed the idea of starting and maintaining a preservation blog and what we would post about, but it has yet to take off beyond the discussion stage. We talked about posting how-to articles about preservation treatments that we do, including pictures and maybe even embedded video. Maintaining a blog for this class is certainly a motivator in getting me interested in taking the idea of the preservation blog beyond merely the “discussion stage”.

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